Sunday, October 11, 2009

Phenakite rough stones

These stones are from this new mine in Nigeria. The mine has been open since November 2008, so it is just under a year old. I am the US destributer for this Phenakite and can get the stones mine direct.

I have many single pieces listed for sale (see photo album) as well as 4 kilos coming from the mine in Nigeria.
If you are interested in Phenakite rough stones, kilos or more information, please check out our gemstonesbydsign site link.

This is the most beautiful Clear stone I have ever cut; next to Diamond


  1. Hey Matt,
    Well done! Glad to see you on here with a blog of your exploits and fun goodies.

    Roger Dery

  2. Hey Roger! Thanks for the compliments & encouragement!

    Matt Dunkle
